Championship Massacre

My opponent will likely say people in America are not treated the same if white people don’t get punished for destroying property because they are not black. However, research has shown that President Obama defines power. Minimum wage defines economics in equality. Tolerance defines religion. My first piece of evidence states that,” Obama defines the word power when he became the first black President of the United States.” Some people didn’t like him because he was black. In addition, the second piece of evidence declares that,” because of economics anyone can have food stamps.” Minimum wage deals a lot with economics, like how people get paid. Also, the third piece of evidence asserts that,” religion in America is when any race is allowed to go to any church or any school. When Muslim, Chinese, Blacks, and Whites are allowed in the same school. Not only does my evidence disprove or prove my opposition’s claim, it strengthens the argument that America is not a racist country, really not the MOST racist country, by stating that by having power it is a special thing in a person life to something that you own. Some may use the recent college championship game as an example of racism because certain people or the people did not get punished for their actions. However, this is wrong for one/two reasons. (Reason 1) 15,000 people wasn’t damaging property. (Reason 2) the 15,000 people where not all white. Besides my evidence speaks for itself: Their story is just their opinion.Image result for racism

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